Anonymous character assassination.

Well, my dear misguided friend. What a great shame that I have to take up your argument, your judgement of me and my character based upon my writings here on what is a fun poke at life. So be it.
You accuse me of, “using concepts that others have penned”. Yes, it's true I read Darwin’s, Crick & Wilson's thesis, Copernicus', Newton's and lots of other scientific writings. I enjoy errudite and qualified fact backed with good sensible proof. It's mind opening and refreshing to be able to think freely based upon the information in front of me. Is not the bible concepts that others have penned?
But let me correct you. You seem to be a staunch believer and yet I have my doubts. You condemn me as being the devils work and that I will rot in hell. That, “I do not seek the only one that loves me”. That, “God will hold me accountable for my writings”. The last time this sort of censorship went on was in Germany during Hitler’s term of office. How dare you condemn me for having free thought and having the balls to question what has brought so much pain and suffering to the world. You that supposedly teach tolerance, forgiveness and understanding!
I suggest you take a long look at your book, find out what was deliberately left out as being not suitable. You condemn other beliefs. “Their leader’s graves you can visit but Jesus you can’t”. Your words my friend.
Forget Hinn, Hubbard, Graham and follow Jesus you write. These are preachers of your beliefs are they not? How is it that all of you use the name Jesus and yet you can’t agree on whom to listen to?
“You are useless to mankind, even to yourself as long as your spiritual eyes remain closed”, you write of me based upon my narratives. What judgmental arrogance you display. Is this how you will articulate the word of God? Tell me and others who I'm sure would like to hear. What have you personally contributed to mankind during your stay?
My friend, open your eyes to other possibilities, try to understand other mindsets, how others perceive the world through their God.
I live by this adage. “Do unto others as you would have others do unto you”. I haven’t damned any individual in my rantings. I meet people with joy, an open heart and with the respect they and their beliefs deserve.
You, on the other hand have stated, "that some might think I have a demon in me and are full of pride and ignorance." You maybe correct about me being proud, but don’t confuse pride with arrogance. Ignorant? Well I'm sure that people that read the blog will judge that. I don’t claim to know all. That is why I try to ask the pertinent questions before I decide what my choices are, rather than blindly following what was enforced upon me from early childhood and is now seriously questionable. But thank you for the compliment anyway (regarding the demon in me).
Freedom of speech, the ability to say what you feel. Be thankful that today we have that. Where is the democracy in your particular belief/religion? What contribution did you make to your book? Isn't it so, you follow without question writings, that have been shown to be fallible?
Once again, I refer to Darwin, Copernicus, Crick & Wilson et al. Heretics by religious history guidlines. Or are the scientists all wrong?
Thank you for your response. May your God go with you. I'll take my chances for the time being. I am sure you will be forgiven for your judgement and condemnation of me. That’s what your belief is about isn't it?

It is such a shame when people are that out right rude. And to not leave a name is just showing they are a coward and are probably confused in what they believe. I do not agree with everyone, but when I answer questions in yahoo answers I always try to show respect towards the asker. I would never in my life leave a message or anser a question without leaving my name.
Tracy P- USA
music_girl from Yahoo Answers...
Hope that you find out who wrote that... when Christians say things like that, it is a reflection on Christianity and therefore on me, and I am insulted by it. I have no problem accepting both science and religion, however. Not many of us are like that, but there are more every day.
Hello my friend,I have had numerous christian emails condemning my aetheist soul to hell ,I believe the issue here is integrity,if individuals are taught early in life to live by their word or walk their talk,people like your anonymous admirer would not have to cowardly express their convictions. gotta run ,just wanted to leave my email address,Mychel
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