My Gratitude to Religion

Now, it’s no wonder that I am confused and my paranoia has provoked my questioning of religion. Take note that I give Religion a capital letter for once.
So with all that said I have strengthened my view that, the primary epiphenomenon of religion’s foundation is the production and flourishment of hypocrisy, megalomania and psychopathy.
The first casualties of a religion’s establishment are the intentions of its founder and so we apply religious morality only to people and things we dislike. It's called being judgemental, me thinks. But I know practising religions don’t do that do they? Make judgements about their fellow man, be it believers or not that is.
Makes sense eh?
Problem for me is the more I try to understand the more "the enlightened tell me just to have faith in Jesus and everything will be fine".
That I shouldn't question but just follow Jesus' word.
I have come to realise the more I delve the closer I come to going to Hell. My only redemption from all this is to give myself to God and the chances of me giving myself to that lot are infinitely zilch and getting less and less likely
Take good care. Keep getting the Joy you deserve.and don’t stop loving.
See you all soon.BC..

my friend religion is also a useful form of control, and the dominant religion of the country supports government policies, in one way or another. eastern philosophy,or religoin supports the caste systems of Japan and India, the outcastes or disposable society of today makes up as much as 3-15% of the national gdp of certain Asian countries in the sex trafficking of women and children industry, this can be verified on the human rights watch and amnesty international sites and various other organizations who try to help this population, these people have no citizenship, rights, and are supposedly untouchable because centuries ago their ancestors killed someone as executioner, were grave diggers or killed cows and made leather goods, whatever it was they are baraku or filth in Japan, and openly tortured and beaten in the streets of India today, government policies keep this system alive and well today, but the religions were used to create and support the inhumanity of it all, if these people were truly untouchable , they would not just be excluded from society, they would not be raped and beaten either because that is touching.In Japan 70% of the outcaste children have hiv before they are 17 years old and it takes about ten years for hiv to develop, worse than that the demand for the child porn trade, is American military bases.when a base closes, the need for children as sex objects disappear and a new need is created wherever a new base is built, also verifiable on these sites with government archives.this all stems from religion. Also some forms of philosophy were used to keep slaves complicit. Christianity, well what can't be said about Puritanical acts of terrorism and Catholicism globally.the spanish inquisition,the salem withhunts, genocide, enslavement, torture of the native americans(government archives christopher columbus' journals), early mathematicians(the history of mathematics documents that well),the list of crimes by these powerful politcal money making machines is endless, priests and popes had slaves and were complicit with genocide. not one pope stood up and said you will burn in hell if you kill jews and support hitler, this would have prevented the holocaust, not one says you will be excommunicated and burn in hell for being a pedophile, they actually harbor them and move them from community to community,but if you are a woman , you will burn in hell for having sex with your own husband uinless it is for the purpose of procreation and if you use birth control ,you will also be excommunicated, yet the socially instiutionalized hypocrisy becomes norm and fornicating christians everywhere ,shamelessly bash gay people and gay marriage while quoting bible passages ,that were written by men,( God did not type or have a publisher in heaven,)while swallowing their birth control pills and excusing themselves, and many wars are fought in the name of God, American slavery was justified by quoting the bible.( which is full of contradictions so technically it negates itself.)Some how selfrighteousness and hypocrisy, destructive forces that breed inhumanity, are more than humanity,it is so ironic,the very people who claim to love christ, dont even know what the hel the guy was talking about, if Jesus Christ were alive today and born in America , he would be charged with harbopring illegal aliens ,a felony and since he is a pacifist and and forgivng, he would be someones bitch in an American prison being raped on a daily basis ,while his congregation of immigrants,which is what his followers were ,even if he did not have a church, would be sent back to mexico in a chaingang shackled to one another like friggin animals, while christians good christians calling patrolling the borders to protect their country support these immigration laws, inhumanity in response to fear, this is more satanic in my opinion, but these individuals don't identify their malevolent actions or the consequences of their actions in this realistic manner.the bible quoters all forget Jesus said be kind to the traveller and the stranger, take care of him, this doesnt mean tourists, it means immigrants, illegal is a political and manmade concept, and does not make anyman less of a man, I wonder if any of these hatemongers who maliciously act in the name of God, ever considered for one minute how they would feelif that immigrant,gay, terrorist were their mother,father,sister, brother, or themselves,or if they would support torture and war,still if they and their families were dirctly affected by it because it is in their country, instead of hiding behind God ,hypocrisy,patriotism,and any other form of dogma ,like fear and ethnocentricity that one uses to justify inhumanity. the roots of all this evil are the traditional values learned in the church. marriage is usually a religious cermony, is a mysogynist social institution that plagues our society,until fairly recently women were the mere property of their husbands,black men in America were citizens before white women were, and the double standards of religion support the selfish hypocrisy of married men, women are dehumanized immediatley they must give up their life long identity, their last name, their worth is judged by their diamond ring, and they are expected to give up their hopes, dreams and ambitions to become extensions of their husbands and domestic childrearing slaves, with no sexual needs because only whores have sexual needs, they are expected to be virgins and to marry in white,many women are socialized to make this dehumanizing inferior status of wife their lifelong goal and achievement, an evil with its roots in religion again. suzy should grow up to be a doctors wife, not a doctor.this is institutionalized feminine subordination, and that is what rteligion is a about power, not love. there are far more historical examples and modern examples than there are contradicting bible passages to support this arguement.
may profound inner peace be with you my friend. (Mychel Isaacs)
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