A War In Satans Name?
Just about every war resulted from the struggle for markets and spheres of influence. Every war is sold to the World by professional liars who also happen to be sincere religious maniacs, (just take a look around at our beloved leaders) as a holy crusade to save God and goodness from Satan and evil. But let me ask; did anyone ever start a war in the name of Satan? Can Satan and what is perceived as evil be any worse than the brain washing we have had since Aristotle 2500 years ago?
Resistance to new information has a strong neurological foundation in all animals as studies of impunity indicate. Most animals including we domesticated primates show a staggering ability to ignore information which does not fit in with imprinted continuity- and here I allude to religion. Call it what you will but stupidity appears in all political spectrum's and societies. But tell me- When was a war started in the name of Satan and Evil? This blind following of antiquated rules passed down by word of mouth translated a thousand times has led to a World on the brink of extinction if we don't do something in the name of saving the world not just humanity but everything!
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Resistance to new information has a strong neurological foundation in all animals as studies of impunity indicate. Most animals including we domesticated primates show a staggering ability to ignore information which does not fit in with imprinted continuity- and here I allude to religion. Call it what you will but stupidity appears in all political spectrum's and societies. But tell me- When was a war started in the name of Satan and Evil? This blind following of antiquated rules passed down by word of mouth translated a thousand times has led to a World on the brink of extinction if we don't do something in the name of saving the world not just humanity but everything!
Labels: Satan-Evil- War- Extinction-Earth- The World

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