Chololate Jesus should be The Milky Bar Kid

My belief is that without art and its interpretations that culture and life will die of boring look alikes.
How unfortunate then, that instead of Raphael, Michelangelo, Leonardo and the like that a modern interpretation of Jesus in dark chocolate should awaken such a furore of zealous criticism.
The Very Reverend Jerry Falwell issued a statement on behalf of God that “the Christian Right had no problem with the concept of an anatomically correct “Chocolate Jesus,” but was adamantly opposed to a “racially incorrect Chocolate Jesus.”
Now, remember this is a leader of the Church claiming in the strangest of ways that JC was in fact a white man!
Without any convincing argument he states categorically, “The Sweet Lord” exhibition, subsequently canceled after a cacophony of Catholics got their way in a land of free speech and hypocrisy, that the 100 kilos of milk chocolate, incorrectly implies that Jesus was a Blackman.
Of course, had white chocolate been used, I guess the art would have had its title changed to “The Milky Bar Kid”. So appeasing the “honky zealots”.
Pat Robertson, well known for his intimate knowledge of Religion, condemned the work of sweet art stating that the substantial penis also furthered the myth that JC was black. I guess it depends on what you are used to eh? Ah well Pat, I guess you drive a red Ferrari perhaps?
He also remarked that the penis was circumcised intimating JC was not only black but a Jew! Why not give the sculpture a glass eye and make it a monument to Sammy Davis Junior?
Black Evangelical minister Al Sharpton maintained that the sculpture was not black enough! It’s well known that white men can’t jump let alone rise.
Well at least our unfortunate cousins in the Good ol’ U.S of A have something to take their minds off which of the incompetents will be the next president.
I don't know, God moves in strange ways. Perhaps with the assistance of Exlax Chocolate?
Labels: art, chocolate, jesus, sammy davis junior,

looks good enough to eat but i will leave the penis for you
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