Ordered from God
I never cease to be amazed by the interpretation of the laws in various countries. But my American friends take first prize as usual.
I have just finished reading about Andrea Yates' re trial in Houston.
Under Texas insanity laws a delusioned person, as surely she must have been, acting under"orders " from God be judged not guilty by reason of insanity, but that a delusioned person acting under "orders" from Satan be judged sane!
The reasoning, it would seem that Yates knew that drowning her kids upon command from someone without moral authority (such as Satan) was wrong and as such did not qualify for insanity law protection.
Park Dietz, a forensic psychiatrist concluded the opposite in another child killing case because God had supposedly assured the mother that her kids would be better off dead.
I suppose Yates, at her retrial will now plead a case of mistaken identity.
Just confirms how idiotic religion and the law is. It also confirms that those acting in the name of God are totally mad. It's official.
Any way I'm back again.
Stumble It!
I have just finished reading about Andrea Yates' re trial in Houston.
Under Texas insanity laws a delusioned person, as surely she must have been, acting under"orders " from God be judged not guilty by reason of insanity, but that a delusioned person acting under "orders" from Satan be judged sane!
The reasoning, it would seem that Yates knew that drowning her kids upon command from someone without moral authority (such as Satan) was wrong and as such did not qualify for insanity law protection.
Park Dietz, a forensic psychiatrist concluded the opposite in another child killing case because God had supposedly assured the mother that her kids would be better off dead.
I suppose Yates, at her retrial will now plead a case of mistaken identity.
Just confirms how idiotic religion and the law is. It also confirms that those acting in the name of God are totally mad. It's official.
Any way I'm back again.

You are very hypocritical. Just b/c some idiots claim to do bad will b/c Satan or God demanded them to, does not mean that religion is just madness. That is like saying I love red cars. It is too general and it does not depict the exact thing. It classifies everything into one unknown category. Your blog is just ignorance and rage. I wonder what you would be saying about God if those people blamed the killings on Santa Claus or on you. I guess you think as highly of yourself.
Smiles wickedly... ~In a mad world only the mad are sane~
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