My background to aetheism and anarchy
The first time I ran away and hid was because of religion. I say this as some form of explanation to my disbelief in the almighty.
Every time something went wrong at home or in the neighbourhood the first kid to be suspected and subsequently blamed was me. Now most of the time the suspicions were well founded and its good that I now have the opportunity and the size to be able to admit it.
My parent, and it was parent because my mother had cleared off some years earlier, I assumed the result of my disobedience, decided that the local catholic priest who had the reputation of being able to handle kids and get them on the straight and narrow would be ideal to deal with me.
Now although I’m a big ugly devil these days, then I was a cute little ginger haired, freckle faced kid with a pout that worked wonders when I wanted something. The pout and the fact that my mother had cleared off, worked especially well with "the Second World War widows" living in our road, they took me to their hearts and spoilt the hell out of me.
This priest decided the same thing, but would get the hell out of me and took me into his fold.
Every day he would poke me in the nose and scream at me “Where is God?” “Where is God?”. Now as smart as I was I hadn’t the faintest idea where my mother was so why would I know where God had disappeared to?
This went on for days and I decided along with my great friend Pete Smith to run away to Sutton Coldfield and camp in the park.
Pete got fed up and went home after a couple of hours and left me alone. Two days past before a friendly copper found me and asked what I was doing.
"Have they found God yet?" I asked. "Why do you want to know?" said the copper. "Cause he’s disappeared and they are blaming me for it."
Stumble It!
Every time something went wrong at home or in the neighbourhood the first kid to be suspected and subsequently blamed was me. Now most of the time the suspicions were well founded and its good that I now have the opportunity and the size to be able to admit it.
My parent, and it was parent because my mother had cleared off some years earlier, I assumed the result of my disobedience, decided that the local catholic priest who had the reputation of being able to handle kids and get them on the straight and narrow would be ideal to deal with me.
Now although I’m a big ugly devil these days, then I was a cute little ginger haired, freckle faced kid with a pout that worked wonders when I wanted something. The pout and the fact that my mother had cleared off, worked especially well with "the Second World War widows" living in our road, they took me to their hearts and spoilt the hell out of me.
This priest decided the same thing, but would get the hell out of me and took me into his fold.
Every day he would poke me in the nose and scream at me “Where is God?” “Where is God?”. Now as smart as I was I hadn’t the faintest idea where my mother was so why would I know where God had disappeared to?
This went on for days and I decided along with my great friend Pete Smith to run away to Sutton Coldfield and camp in the park.
Pete got fed up and went home after a couple of hours and left me alone. Two days past before a friendly copper found me and asked what I was doing.
"Have they found God yet?" I asked. "Why do you want to know?" said the copper. "Cause he’s disappeared and they are blaming me for it."
Labels: aetheism-anarchy-faith-kids stuff- christianity

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