Saturday, June 30, 2007

My background to aetheism and anarchy

The first time I ran away and hid was because of religion. I say this as some form of explanation to my disbelief in the almighty.
Every time something went wrong at home or in the neighbourhood the first kid to be suspected and subsequently blamed was me. Now most of the time the suspicions were well founded and its good that I now have the opportunity and the size to be able to admit it.
My parent, and it was parent because my mother had cleared off some years earlier, I assumed the result of my disobedience, decided that the local catholic priest who had the reputation of being able to handle kids and get them on the straight and narrow would be ideal to deal with me.
Now although I’m a big ugly devil these days, then I was a cute little ginger haired, freckle faced kid with a pout that worked wonders when I wanted something. The pout and the fact that my mother had cleared off, worked especially well with "the Second World War widows" living in our road, they took me to their hearts and spoilt the hell out of me.
This priest decided the same thing, but would get the hell out of me and took me into his fold.
Every day he would poke me in the nose and scream at me “Where is God?” “Where is God?”. Now as smart as I was I hadn’t the faintest idea where my mother was so why would I know where God had disappeared to?
This went on for days and I decided along with my great friend Pete Smith to run away to Sutton Coldfield and camp in the park.
Pete got fed up and went home after a couple of hours and left me alone. Two days past before a friendly copper found me and asked what I was doing.
"Have they found God yet?" I asked. "Why do you want to know?" said the copper. "Cause he’s disappeared and they are blaming me for it."


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Friday, June 29, 2007

A War In Satans Name?

Just about every war resulted from the struggle for markets and spheres of influence. Every war is sold to the World by professional liars who also happen to be sincere religious maniacs, (just take a look around at our beloved leaders) as a holy crusade to save God and goodness from Satan and evil. But let me ask; did anyone ever start a war in the name of Satan? Can Satan and what is perceived as evil be any worse than the brain washing we have had since Aristotle 2500 years ago?

Resistance to new information has a strong neurological foundation in all animals as studies of impunity indicate. Most animals including we domesticated primates show a staggering ability to ignore information which does not fit in with imprinted continuity- and here I allude to religion. Call it what you will but stupidity appears in all political spectrum's and societies. But tell me- When was a war started in the name of Satan and Evil? This blind following of antiquated rules passed down by word of mouth translated a thousand times has led to a World on the brink of extinction if we don't do something in the name of saving the world not just humanity but everything!


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Christ, the anti christ?

It dawned on me recently that perhaps and I say perhaps, we have been the victims of the biggest fraud ever. For two thousand years, we have lived under instruction and guidelines of the book and it doesn't matter who's does it? But what about if instead of Jesus being our saviour he was in fact the Anti Christ?

We have believed, that we are the crowning glory of creation thanks to the teachings of two thousand years of Christianity.

Aborigines in Australia, Africa, South America even the Indin tribes of North America knew nothing of this "saviour" before The Western missionaries took it violently to them in the name of God. Our God. Not their gods who live all around them but one omnipotent God who we arrogantly believe made us in his own image.

Over the next months I will be writing here about this with arguments against traditional teachings. You are welcome with your comments but please do not write commenting on my person. I wish only some clarification to life and its purpose. Depending upon your point of view, you may not like or agree with what I wish to articulate. So please keep your comments to objectivity. We don't need bible quotes but good solid discussion. We are not likely to find any conclusions just other visions of life. Welcome with your comments. Anonymously if you prefer.


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Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Confessions of a "Religon Designer"

I confess to have stolen more quotes and thoughts and purely elegant little starbursts of writings from the Book of Revelation than anything else in the English language. Not because I am a biblical scholar, or because of any religious faith, but because I love the wild power of the language and the purity of the madness that governs it and makes it music.

Which is why I love religion. I could make up religions all day. In an ideal world, I'd be a religion designer. I'd like people come up to me and say, "I need a religion". I'd go talk to them for awhile, and I'd design a religion for them. That would be a great job. There's a need for people like that. Fortunately, seeing that one can't actually do it, I get paid for sort of creating them anyway.

I wanted to explain my perceived anarchistic tendencies. I have a high respect for Law & Order and the need to live under some form of system that protects society. However recent events have given me a little disrespect for those that are elected to uphold the system. My disrespect for law in fact may only be the manifestation of a burning desire for justice. Order, like law, to be respected, must deserve respect. Disrespect for an order that does not deserve respect ought not to be condemned as degeneration, but commended as a healthy regeneration. What concerns me is that lawyers and judges too often regard "order" as a shield for the protection of privilege.

However with the new breed of visionaries, those who want change and are prepared to make change happen, then I believe we can get what, as I see it, a world fit for all to live in. A world that really is egalitarian. Dare to challenge the convenient status quo and all the elitism it brings. Question the bastards at every opportunity because soon the world will be so full of pollution and disease that it won't matter who makes the decisions.

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Monday, June 25, 2007

a thought for our times

To anyone of any thoughtful substance, it is bloody obvious that our world is in serious trouble.
We are heading towards destruction due to the human race's treatment of nature, climate change, religious dogma and zealousness.

The solutions lie surely with the foundation of some form of reality and truth rather than myths and religious customs. These myths and dogma have led invariably to conflicts, confusion and harm unrivalled throughout our evolution.

The greatest scandal of course is, that those so dogmatically convinced that a God no one can agree on will save them! Who will be saved? The Jew? The Muslim? The Buddhist? The Hindu? The Catholic? The Mormon? The Christian? All believe that they will be the ones! Well someone is wrong aren't they? While the world perishes-they are still arguing about it!

Philosophically waxing lyrical about whether or not this world exists. Being or existing? Arguments about being or existence are founded on the relation of cause and effect. Based upon and derived from experiences and customs forced upon us by the power hungry megalomaniacs of the churches.

Every matter of fact beyond what is immediately memorable and makes sense is the result of ancient fears. Today's discoveries correspond to fact, reality and truth- then we should totally disregard and discard all previous knowledge. Such as it was.

On the subject of thinking - talking and philosophysing, there are two rules to philosophy;

1. For every philosopher there exists an equal and opposite philosopher.

2. They are both wrong.


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Wednesday, June 20, 2007

The Misfits of Society

Now since I have been writing here, which is about 18 months, I have received many comments. Some complimentary some out and out abusive calling me things from “the devils own work”, arrogant, loud mouthed and opinionated. Some wag even asked if I thought of myself as God. Who am I to pass judgment on others work?

Of course those passing opinions, mostly anonymously, usually quote from others work- phrases from the likes of Nietzsche, Plato, Einstein, and Aldous Huxley or from “The Celestine Prophesies” of course “TheBible” et al. Hardly ever an original thought of their own but quick to jump onto anything that doesn’t conform to what they have read elsewhere.

However, and believe me I am not making myself out to be a genius, only to having opinions that often don’t fall in with conformity, I would like to raise my glass high to we crazy ones, we misfits, we troublemakers, the round pegs in square holes, who see the crap going on around us, don’t want it and fight for the difference.

We dislike authority and the megalomania, delusions of grandeur and narcissism that often accompany it. We have little respect for the comfortable status quo and the mediocrity that qualifies it.

Quote us, glorify us, disagree with us, vilify us, even agree with us if you wish, but ignore us at your peril because we attempt to change things – to push humanity forward.

While some may think we are crazy, we see genius because the people who think they can change things are the people who can and will change the world- and my god doesn’t it need changing?

Those with a clean conscience sure have lousy memories. If you have some empathy with these words then do us all a favour and push it onto your friends. Let’s get some serious changes made. Starting with the Planet and all the shit we are pushing into it!

Leave your views on


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Tuesday, June 12, 2007

The busiest Cobbler in the World

Having just bought a beautiful art deco house, a few things needed fixing. The floor boards as lived on, aged and full of secrets as they were, needed desperate attention.
Ripping up the first two boards revealed an old shoe box lying amongst the cobwebs and dust.
Treasure I thought, but no, just a safe keeping of old receipts. Why it was hidden- no idea but there amongst the pile was a shoe repair docket. From 1958! Now as luck would have it, the shop was still there, passed down from father to son through five generations.
Out of strong curiosity I decided to find out whether or not the shoes had been collected or not.
The old man looked hard and long through the glasses perched on the end of his nose, at the docket.
"Hang on I'll go and have a look". Four or five minutes past before he returned to tell me " they would be ready next Thursday"!


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Wednesday, June 06, 2007

The Benefit of a Goalless Life

Ever thought about living your life without any goals? It’s called Action without Intent. Paradoxical really because adhering to goals creates a state of anxiety, where we structure our physical and mental life either be a success or a failure. If we succeed- we’re pleased- if we fail- we suffer. This Yo-Yo of emotions seems normal to us, but it is precisely what The Buddha was talking about when he spoke of Dukkha, or suffering. The message here is that we don’t have to bounce around like that – there is another state of mind without suffering.

But without goals, we’d never do anything worthwhile would we?! We’d just laze around, drink beer and watch TV! Sounds good to me.

Once again the paradox is that someone with no goals can never be lazy – their life is always active and participatory.

With goals, we are transient between times of energetic activity, trying to accomplish our aspirations and expectations. Times of stress-relief, where we escape into television, alcohol, music, holidays, or chilling.

Even TV, booze and other established stress relievers aren’t necessarily wrong but when used to take the edge off the day it’s a sure sign that something is seriously wrong with your day.

Provoking the question- How can accomplish something with out goals?

Imagine that you have a pile of dishes in the sink. There are two ways to look at the task of doing the dishes.

First, which represents our usual method, we look at the dishes, sigh, and roll up our sleeves. They have to be done, after all! But since we really don’t want to do them, we have a resistance to the task. We want to finish the dam things as soon as possible, so that we can move on to more worthwhile activities. So we create goals. Get the dishes done quickly! Which gets very frustrating when we encounter that burnt crusty area on the pot that just refuses to budge, or we drop a wine glass and have to take extra time picking up the shards of glass in the sink. Working ourselves into frenzy in the process.

Finishing the dishes is very similar to many other goals in our lives, because it promises something better when the goal is accomplished. We feel that when we get into the perfect love relationship, or attain financial independence, or get our degree, or retire – when our goal is attained, we can really start Living. Until then, we just have to make the best of a mediocre situation.

But there are other ways of approaching the dish washing task! Walk over, and we just get the job of doing the dishes done. You don’t have to get them done. Just wash the dish we’re washing, simple. Paying attention to doing the dishes actually gets the job done faster. And, because we’re being mindful, we probably won’t break the wine glass. Actually accomplishing the goal more efficiently because we weren’t intent on finishing.

Living this way, maybe I’ll just do one dish. With no goal in mind, I’m free to make the choice, perfectly free to do that. No standards to adhere to whatsoever, makes it easy to embark on tasks in the first place, but it also means that I’ll probably end up doing them all anyway. Why? Because when my mind isn’t distracted with all the things it could be doing, it concentrates on what is actually going on. Believe it or not, washing the dishes is an amazing experience. That is, it’s an amazing experience if we are actually there when we’re doing them.

Much of life is like washing dishes – the only way we can be irritated is if our mind is focused on results, on the future, or on our many goals and aspirations. Focusing on these things does not make us more productive – it actually makes us less productive because we’re spending the majority of our energy in constant patterns of circular thought and worry. If we experience the Now, we find that the only really important moment is the one we’re in.

This requires a complete overhaul of our learned way of functioning. We can believe that these teachings and indoctrinations are the only methods to get things completed in this World. Then, suddenly, we’ll be doing the dishes and we’ll recognise that the only thing that makes unpleasantness is that we’re eager to get the job done! That’s when, a revelation that- for the first time in our lives, we’ll actually wash the dishes, realising that this is what we’ve been missing out on our whole lives! We’ve ignored the actual sensation of Living and instead focused on the fantasy of our imagination. – all the futures that may or may not take place. Sadly, even if those futures do come to be, we won’t be there to enjoy them, because we’ll never have learned to experience where we are now.

Whether you’re doing the dishes, preparing for the biggest business presentation of your life, or approaching your own death, there is only one place to be – Now – the place where everything is actually going on. Enjoy it and live just live for life.


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Monday, June 04, 2007

Confessions of an addicted thinker

I never wanted to be a thinker. I was happy just to stare out of the classroom window watching the girls play netball in their navy blue knickers.

A piece of chalk carefully aimed by Rushworth our technical drawing teacher hit me on the side of the head and I was threatened with half an hours detention if I didn’t pay attention and to start thinking about what was going on.

I started immediately to think how the hell did he see me when he had his back to us. Thought concluded that the sly old devil could see through his glasses against the blackboard.

Then it began to become serious. Innocently, I began to think at parties now and then -- just to loosen up.

One thought led to another and soon I became more than just a social thinker.

I began to think alone, just to take the edge off the day I told myself. I began deluding myself that I could control it. But it wasn't true. Thinking became more and more important to me, and finally I was a full on, full time thinker, thinking all the time.

Things began to sour at home. One evening I turned off the TV and asked my wife about the meaning of life. She spent that night at her mother's and was reticent to return.

I began to think on the job. I knew that thinking and employment don't mix, I couldn't help myself.

I began to avoid friends at lunchtime so I could read Thoreau and Kafka. I would return to work fuddled and confused, asking, "What is it exactly we are doing here?"

One day the manager called me in. "Listen, I like you, and it hurts me to say this, but your thinking has become a real problem. If you don't stop thinking on the job, you'll have to find another job." she said

This gave me a lot to think about. I came home early after my conversation with my manager. Arriving home I had to tell my wife Honey, I confess, I've been thinking, I can’t stop

I know you've been thinking, you’re always doing it, she said, I want a divorce!

Is it so serious I asked?

It is serious," she said, and her lower lip began to aquiver. You think as much as college professors and college professors don't make any money, so if you keep on thinking, we’ll be broke

That's a faulty syllogism, I said impatiently. She exploded in tears of rage and frustration, but I was in no mood to deal with the emotional drama. I'm off to the library. I screamed slamming the door.

I headed for the library, in the mood for some Nietzsche. I roared into the parking lot with NPR on the radio and ran up to the big glass doors. They didn't open. The library was closed.

To this day, I believe that a Higher Power was looking out for me that night. Leaning on the unfeeling glass, whimpering for Zarathustra, a poster caught my eye, "Friend, is heavy thinking ruining your life?" it asked.

You probably recognise the line. It comes from the standard Thinkers Anonymous poster. Which is why I am what I am today: a recovering thinker.

I never miss a TA meeting. At each meeting we watch non-educational videos. Last week it was Jerry Springer, the week before, it was Rosie O Donnel.

Then we share experiences about how we avoided thinking since the last meeting. I still have my job, and things are a lot better at home. Life just seemed... easier, somehow, as soon as I stopped thinking.

I think the road to recovery is nearly complete for me. Today I registered to vote for The Liberal Party.


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