Saturday, June 10, 2006

My Gratitude to Religion

If I have to be grateful for anything that religion has taught me, it is that God loves me and I am doomed to burn in Hell. The other is that sex is a filthy disgusting pastime and I should save it for someone I love.

Now, it’s no wonder that I am confused and my paranoia has provoked my questioning of religion. Take note that I give Religion a capital letter for once.

So with all that said I have strengthened my view that, the primary epiphenomenon of religion’s foundation is the production and flourishment of hypocrisy, megalomania and psychopathy.

The first casualties of a religion’s establishment are the intentions of its founder and so we apply religious morality only to people and things we dislike. It's called being judgemental, me thinks. But I know practising religions don’t do that do they? Make judgements about their fellow man, be it believers or not that is.

Makes sense eh?
Problem for me is the more I try to understand the more "the enlightened tell me just to have faith in Jesus and everything will be fine".
That I shouldn't question but just follow Jesus' word.

I have come to realise the more I delve the closer I come to going to Hell. My only redemption from all this is to give myself to God and the chances of me giving myself to that lot are infinitely zilch and getting less and less likely

Take good care. Keep getting the Joy you deserve.and don’t stop loving.

See you all soon.BC..

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Thursday, June 08, 2006

The search for the truth about "The Book"

Well, after the reception of “The Worst Record Sleeves Ever” which was met by all with alacrity,I decided to get back to what is expected of me. The finding of truth in religion

We have just enough religion to make us hate, but not enough to make us love one another”. -Jonathon Swift

I have just spent a good few hours reading “The Book”. I also took it upon myself to attempt to find some logic to this religious pandemic.

I spoke with Professor Alison Betts from Sydney University who has spent years on archaeological sites throughout the regions named in “The Book”. I asked about the history of all this belief and concluded the following:

"In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth, and the earth was without form and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the spirit of God was moving over the face of the waters."
-Genesis. Right?

It's an oral history. It was passed down, word-of-mouth, father to son, from Adam to Seth, from Seth to Enos, from Enos to Cainan, for 40 generations, a growing, changing, story, it was handed down, word-of-mouth, father to son.

Until Moses finally gets his hands on it and puts it down on lambskin. But lambskins wear out, and need to be recopied.

Copies of copies of copies of copies of copies of copies of copies of an oral history passed down through 40 generations.

From Hebrew it's translated into Arabic, from Arabic to Latin, from Latin to Greek, from Greek to Russian, from Russian to German, from German to an old form of English that you could not read

Through 400 years of evolution of the English language to the book we have today, which is: a translation of a translation of a translation of a translation of a translation of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of an oral history passed down through 40 generations.

You can't put a grocery list through that many translations, copies, and re-telling, and not expect to have some big changes in the dinner menu when the kids get back from Tesco or Wal Mart.

Unless of course the real truth is in Mel Gibson’s “The Passion of The Christ”. Now here is a man who knows how to portray history with truth... Have you seen "The Patriot” or his other portrayals of History?

And yet people are killing each other over this passed down word. Listen, if you're killing someone in the name of God, then you are missing the point of why we are here...

There is an old adage in journalism, never more appropriate, “never let the truth get in the way of a good story”

See you soon. Take good care of each other. BC ("The Baldchemist")
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